Content Marketing for Small Business – What is that?

When I first read the article,which is extracted below, I thought What, what on earth is this now? Content Marketing for small business what? My head was spinning ( luckily it didn’t come off). Now I’m more of a numbers person, so all this words stuff is hard for me to take in. I had to, again, consult trusty wikipedia :-

Content marketing is an umbrella term encompassing all marketing formats that involve the creation or sharing of content for the purpose of engaging current and potential consumer bases. Content marketing subscribes to the notion that delivering high-quality, relevant and valuable information to prospects and customers drives profitable consumer action. Content marketing has benefits in terms of retaining reader attention and improving brand loyalty.[1]  source

So that really didn’t help a whole lot, it’s still alot of words, but I’m kind of getting the idea. Then I read this by Roger Parker

Content marketing can help small businesses outlast compete larger, older, and better-capitalized competitors. Content marketing helped a Seattle neighborhood electronics retailer expand from 1 location to dozens of locations up and down the West Coast before Best Buy acquired it.

The turning point in the store’s history was a series of How to Buy a Stereo newspaper inserts I created. These took the mystery out of buying a home music system at precisely the time that the firm’s larger competitors were confusing the market with too much selection and unsustainable low pricing

Now I understand more… so content marketing is really what I do when I have a customer in front of me & I’m explaining whats good & bad about this product, how it does or doesn’t meet the customers requirements. Why I would choose this product over that, about any warranty, anything to look to look out.

So I can also advertise this way, educating potential customers, not just throwing images in their faces or shouting out in big letters or numbers… SALE HUGE… REDUCTIONS….

Hummm food for thought, I’m going to have to ponder over this. It will be hard for my small brain but I’ll get there.

Now the channel maybe a press release, this could be free publicity…. Social Media , that’s free… Content Marketing for small business

Yip I just may give it a go, what about You?

UPDATE:  Click here for a Content Marketing example I am using in my children's footwear  store




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