Help your small business by supporting other small businesses

Here’s something to think about. As small business owners can we help our own businesses by supporting other small businesses in our local area. Here’s two ideas asSmall Business help - help each other reported in The Montreal Gazette

Visit a small business more regularly When you are shopping or out for dinner, think about how you can support a locally owned independent business. When we are out to the mall or the big box store, we miss out on fantastic opportunities for unique products and better customer service. We need to support local entrepreneurs who take huge risks to create jobs and pay taxes to support us all.

Pay with cash or Interac Few Canadians realize how much paying with credit cards costs small merchants – 2% to 3% of the entire sale (including sales taxes) goes to the credit card company and bank in fees. Paying with Interac or cash saves small companies a fortune and helps them keep prices down for consumers.

Just saying it’s an idea. This could turn out to be a win/win. Start talking to the business owner or manager and see were it leads. It could take a little out of the box thinking to see how the businesses could work together so try and  find common ground. Maybe there are areas of your businesses that are complementary or you have common interests that could lead to events run together . By taking this step you could end up in working together on promotions, saving costs by buying bulk marketing materials, sharing costs at school fundraising days, buying a table (jointly) at a charity dinner for you best customers, the list is endless. Then take that next step & get another local business to join in. Next thing you know you have a local business support/ networking group.Just take that first step to support each other, it just might work and help your small business to grow.

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