Running a Small Business – you can’t do all things well

There are many facets to running a small business and many owners think that they can do it all. In the early stages you may have toorunning a small buisness, there simply isn’t the resources to pay for experts in each discipline. But there is a cost to this. By trying to do too much we can end up with doing nothing well. Do not consider that you can’t do everything a failure on your part as I have been there done that & got the extra large T Shirt. The first step could be getting a mentor through a local business agency. Go through your strengths and weaknesses and identify what you need help with.

Here’s some advice from Jay Goltz who has owned and managed many businesses. He and now speaks,writes books and is published in the New York Times, writing  in this instance for American Express on running a small business

Running a small business – you can’t do all things well

I don’t think you can afford the luxury of not running a well-oiled machine. It’s not about what you’re doing right today, it’s also about what you’re doing wrong.

There are three key elements supporting any business: marketing, management and finance.

From my experience, most people are really good at one of those three things, and somewhat competent at the second. They struggle with the third, and that’s the problem. You can no longer [say], “I’m not good with that accounting stuff,” or “I hate the management thing.”

People need to shore up the weakest part of their business in those three areas: marketing, management or finance.

In my case it was marketing. I joined my local chamber of commerce and business development centre and received great advice and tips from a volunteer. Confidence can be something that needs building up after a while when you have been bogged down with the never ending day to day issues when building a business. Having that sounding board, someone to bounce ideas off really, really does help. Check out the full article for more

Go on do it, ask for help as when you are running a small business you can’t do all things…….

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