Does your small business need a mobile friendly website? You are probably aware of the issues faced by

Could your website on a mobile device be deterring customers?
iphone and smartphone users. How having to scroll and pinch the screen to try and read the website just causes frustration for what could be an important part of your customer base. But are you aware of how big the numbers actually are? How much business could you be missing out on? So does your small business need a mobile friendly website?
In an article I read recently Kelly Manthey gives us the numbers from a 2011mobile search study:
- People used mobile search at home in the evening (81%) than any other time or places more frequently than anywhere else (81%), followed by at home on weekends (80%).
- 66% use mobile search while while watching TV, something which should get advertisers thinking, while 61% said they use it at work.
- 75% said mobile search makes their lives easier, 63% said access to mobile search has changed the way they gather information, and 32% said they use mobile search more than search engines on their computers.
- 84% use mobile search to look for information on local retailers, such as opening hours, address and contact details. 82% look for online retailers, 73% find a specific product or manufacturer website.
- Something which ties in with the crossover in TV viewing and mobile search is that 71% learn more about a product or service having seen an ad, 68% use it to find the best price for a product.
Does your small business need a mobile friendly website?
That’s the searchers, what about the buyers?
Consumer behaviors have changed.We are always on our phones. When we have downtime, when we are in the middle of another activity, first thing in the morning, last thing before we fall asleep. With 66% of people using their smartphones while watching TV coupled with the results from an Internet Retailer study about what people are buying from their mobile devices (see below), you could have some pretty compelling conversion rates between TV advertising and purchases.A recent survey of 1,500 US adults at the 2011 Internet Retailer Conference Exhibition revealed mobile shoppers’ most common purchases broken down by percentage:• 16% bought apparel• 15% bought food and beverages• 11% bought toys and games• 8% bought home goods• 4% bought sporting goods• 3% bought jewelry• 8% bought all other product to read the rest of the post click here
I have tried to pay attention to the future in mobile marketing and one must consider all of the issues concerning the ease of use and potential hardships when attempting to reach this important sector of users. I’ll be following your posts. Thanks for the information.
Thanks Jay, it’s great to see you here