Small Business Growth Problems

You hear, or read so much about small business being the backbone of the economy,

small business growth problems

Small Business growth can mean problems

about economic recovery by small business growth. What you don’t hear about are small business growth problems and why some small business choose not to grow. An article I read recently dealt with a few of the reasons. While written for the American market I’m sure those of us in business worldwide can totally relate.

Small Business Growth Problems

Here are just 2 examples of issues that a business owner faces when the business grows.

1 – Bureaucracy. With growth comes more government regulation and bureaucracy, more forms to fill out and paper work in general, greater responsibilities and with this more costs. Unless you have a background business administration the likelihood or having to [Read more…]

Small Business Help – Couples working together in business

Running a small business is stressful, so couples working together in business must

Randy Rubin and Craig Rubin source: Crypton

be doubly stressful, or maybe 4 times. And yet there are well over a million couples working together in business in the USA. So how do they make it work? Here are some great tips from Randy and Craig Rubin, owners of Crypton a textile company, on business and work balance for couples.

Tips for Couples Working Together in Business

HE SAYS: Split your roles. Make sure you and your wife have specific duties. For example, Randy focuses more on the legal, marketing and retail sales, while I am more [Read more…]