Visuals have become an important part of a Social Media Strategy

With pinterest on the up and up in terms of users and content, visuals have become an even more important part of a small business social media strategy. Here’s 20 reasons why visuals are important sourced from Jason Cassidy as reported on

Why  visuals are an important part of a social media strategy

  1. Visuals are simple and easy to understand

    small business help - visuals are important part of a social media strategy

    Social media strategy - visuals are important

  2. They can tell a story
  3. They can quickly convey a message
  4. They can grab an audience
  5. Visuals can be used to invite an audience to join in
  6. They strengthen your brand identity
  7. They have the ability to show emotion
  8. They build trust with your community
  9. They personalize your brand
  10. They can convey emotion
  11. They are sharable [Read more…]

Small Business Marketing – Does facebook advertising work?

Does facebook advertising work? This question has been asked of me a few

does facebook advertising work

Does facebook advertising work

times lately. And unfortunately, like all forms of advertising there is no way of really guaranteeing whether it will work for you or not. However, we can look at other small business experiences to get an idea .

Payvment is a facebook ecommerce platform that build facebook stores for businesses who have recently conducted a survey over 100,000 facebook store owners, so does facebook advertising work for them? Here’s an extract from the results

Small Business Marketing – Does facebook advertising work?

Facebook Ads are the top promotional tool for sellers beyond general Facebook marketing.

Facebook sellers are doing their part to fuel Facebook’s $5 billion forecasted ad revenue this year. More than one-third (39 percent) of respondents report having used [Read more…]