Are you in the process planning to start up a business or are you wanting ideas to grow your business to the next level. While some businesses start up and grow organically without a formal business blueprint or strategy, most start up business owners have a spent many hours constructing a business plan. So, if you are wanting to know where and how to start planning to start up a business the business model canvas may be for you. What is does is to force you to think about you business strategy and work on rather then in your business. I call it a conceptual framework for business.
The Business Model Canvas, is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model.source
So grab a coffee, tea or water and watch these 2 videos.
Planning to start up a business – try the business model canvas (video)
To download the business model canvas free from
Google Docs has a editable business model template to use on line with sticky notes click here
I found this video hard to hear but the content is good. It shows and explains in a little more detail the Business Model Canvas.
Now I must confess, I do not have a formal business plan for my shoe store. I have not sat down, pen in hand and filled in the business model canvas… yet… I can however now see the value that if I were planning to start up a business, this model would be a great place to start with crystallizing those thoughts that we have when we come up a ‘fantastic’ business idea. Also my hope of growing my existing business will probably not eventuate unless I do the old cliche of working on my business and not just in it… the Business Model Canvas is just the place to start!
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Business plans are my weakness – for sure! Thanks for sharing.
Don’t worry you are not the only one
What a nice introduction to this process. Thank you for finding such great videos.
Thanks, Yes there are so many great videos out there, and also so much rubbish