Examples of how daily deal sites have worked for some small businesses

I came across the article below on VCStar.com which has some good examples on how a daily deal sites has helped build awareness of local small businesses. As it

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Could you use a daily deal builder for your own daily deals?

was awareness that most of the businesses were after,  they were prepared to lose money in order to gain new customers and repeat business. While  I would say that doing the numbers on the deals is extremely important so that the deals do not result in a surprise by costing the company huge dollars, there is always the possibility of add ons. And it’s here that one of the businesses does give ideas within the window services industry for other services which can be added on to the ‘deal’ job. So if you are interested in some examples of how daily deals sites could work for your business, check out this article:




If you are interested in setting up your  own daily ( weekly, monthly) deal site you can, click here to read.



  1. Thanks for sharing that! It’s my local paper 🙂 I shared the article with a friend.

  2. Kathy says:

    Always sharing such helpful advise for small business.

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