Small Business Marketing Idea – politically incorrect ways work

Need a small business marketing idea? Think outside the square, be funny,

Small business marketing idea - Politically incorrect marketing works

Politically incorrect marketing works

create a buzz. With social media so accessible if your idea strikes an accord, for the right or wrong reasons then your audience could be bigger than you could possibly dream. The following small business marketing idea shows a touch of genius.

Small Business Marketing Idea –  Politically incorrect ways work

On March 6, 2012, social and online media created a frenzy over Madhouse’s controversial washing label that outlines how you should wash the trousers following with: “Or GIVE IT TO YOUR WOMAN. It’s her job.” Marketing expert, Charles Gaudet, said that while many people were justifiably angered by this comment, the company also received immense support from (mostly men) who thought the label was funny.

“Look, at the end of the day, love it or hate it, Madhouse has now received world-wide attention for its bold marketing move,” says Gaudet. “They’ve received millions of dollars in free publicity and the genius behind this controversial issue is that they have everyone talking about their company, creating a stir among supporters and those who oppose.”

Gaudet says that too many companies fail by trying to play it safe by attempting to please all customers and make everyone happy. He continues, “In fact, the most dangerous place to be is ‘plain vanilla’ because you don’t stand out and people forget about you.”

By taking an aggressive stance for something – whether it’s a design style, specific target market, belief, challenge of the status-quo – entrepreneurs separate themselves from being average and, as a result, tend to inspire a loyal group of followers.Click here to visit the original source of this post

It has been said that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Even the worst kind can increase brand awareness and even grow sales. Do you have a small business marketing idea, like the politically incorrect one above, that takes your brand and business from ‘plain vanilla’ to something more?



  1. Peter says:

    Great insights here. Look forward to more like this. Thanks!

  2. This is really funny. I am totally going to share that. I have never heard about it before. We have one of North America’s most listened to radio talk show hosts and i think he does the same thing.

  3. Stacey says:

    A couple of summers ago, I had some of my music students walk around a city lake where a bunch of people jog, walk, bike, etc and play and sing music. The guitarists had mini amps hooked to their belts and the vocalists were simply belting out their songs. The kids thought it was fun and funny. We got a lot of strange looks, but we got the attention we were looking for. Just drawing awareness to our music program (all wearing School of Rock tshirts) and showing we are a fun, not stiff, group.

    • Amanda says:

      That sounds like fun, it’s always great to have (good) live music around businesses, I makes a sense of community.

  4. Love this idea, trying to think if it would work for me. I normally shy away from offending anyone!

  5. Romy Macias says:

    Looking for creative ways to rise above the “crowd” is a great idea.
    I’m with Lulu though, I don’t know if I would resort to offending a sector of my market. But I’m sure there are many creative ways to approach this idea.
    I’ve seen ballerinas, for example, pictured in urban settings, outside the classroom and rehearsal settings and the results are really amazing!
    Just a matter of getting our creative juices going…

    • Amanda says:

      Thanks Romy, there is offensive material that should never, ever be published, even thought about. However I’m talking about fun stuff that while can offend some, should really be taken in fun. I suppose it depends also on your sense of humour.

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