Online marketing strategies for small business

I have been asked about where to start with online marketing strategies for small business. Well I have found a great article that lists in a concise, easy to read  way where to start and the bonus is they are mostly free.

 Where to start with online marketing strategies for small business

What are a few of the biggies? Remember not all of these

online  marketing strategies for small business

online marketing strategies for small business

may be appropriate for you or your target market, but this was a general question.

  • Your website: there is no better marketing for your services or products than your website. This is not the place where you want to cut corners. ROI will be very measurable from here, and if executed well, will return your investment within 3 to 6 months.
  • Social Media: the Big 3, to start: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. All free
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization. If you have a business that garners leads and relies heavily from the internet and folks searching for you, it’s taken the place of your ad budget in importance, for most businesses. Not necessary for a number of local industries.
  • E mail Marketing: very minimum cost for your email opt-in box, and free distribution for most under a certain number of subscribers.
  • Blog: other than the set up cost, free. And hugely effective if done right.
  • Videos: this is huge and getting huger. Whether they are used to educate, plug a product or service, or to demonstrate a product — check out BlendTec’s viral videos willitblend. Youtube, which is now owned by Google, is the second largest search engine in the world, and if optimized correctly (simple), will advertise your services better than any paid ad can. Sorry, Mad Men. Free again.
  • Paid online marketing: such as Google Ad Words (pay-per-click)
  • Then of course, the old staples, networking groups, speaking engagements and relationship building within your sphere of influence. These methods will never die, and could easily be at the top of this list. here’s the full post

I know that Pinterest has become a must do, mostly in businesses that are very visual. Thinking outside the square there may be images that are seemingly unrelated that could be successfully be used for your business. I have an example with a dog image that I related to the post click here, slightly corny, but hey nearly everyone loves dogs. Pinterest is quick and easy and again free, but you need to watch out for copyright issues.

Pay for click with google and also facebook can fast become costly and for some the return may not be there.

Is there anything you would like included in this list on online marketing strategies for small business? Let us know via a comment with an explanation on why it’s important.


  1. D C Rona says:

    Great summary – Thank you.

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