A question I have been asking myself lately is, will SOPA effect small business websites? Now I don’t know the ins and outs on a detailed level, but I do know that piracy on the internet is a real problem. Also, that over legislation is not the answer. And I was thinking that whatever happened would not effect me in my little part of the world.
How wrong I was.
As if it was planned, as the timing could not be better, only 100kms ( 60 miles) away from my home the masterminds of Megadownloads.com had been lurking. In a swoop the police force of my country had been working with the FBI and those involved are now before the courts. It looks like the current laws may be working (?)
So, would a new law in the US effect those in other countries…. well yes….At least in those countries with agreements with the US. So will SOPA effect small business websites globally? Yes! So we all must take an interest in what’s happening stateside. This snippet gives an opinion on the effect on small business [Read more…]