It sounds easy doesn’t it, increase customer loyalty and retention and increase your bottom line. How does the bottom line increase? Well selling to returning customers

With customer loyalty, the bottom line goes up!
costs less, they know your brand, your products, your service, and I have noted from experience that they can make decisions quicker, requiring less salesperson time. And people love to talk, your most efficient type of advertising is word of mouth, so keep your customers happy and increase customer loyalty and retention and increase your bottom line. Here’s 2 great tips on how to achieve this from an article titled ‘How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back For More’
Increase customer loyalty and retention and increase your bottom line
Think Long Term Loyalty – You think today’s customer is tough? The customer of the future will have a shorter attention span, and even faster mobile access to post feedback and collect information. Imagine a customer simply saying into their phone “this place has bad service and high prices”…then having that voice note posted and a recommendation engine throwing back new suggestions. How do you overcome this fast feedback loop? By building long term brand loyalty so [Read more…]